
What Makes The 100% Commission Factor the Best Choice for Interested Brokers 


Gone are the times when people chose to join brokerage firms because of the recognition and power. The sale of the properties were at their peak at those times and the salesperson would get their best sales with the help of the firms that they worked for. However, as the technologies improved and social media became popular, the interested buyers relied on such sources. 

Big Block Realty is one of the top-listed real estate services in San Diego that offers a 100% commission. Every real estate agent will get to work on the individual project and can take the 100% commission from their transactions. You can get more information on the topic, including about the 100% commission factor by visiting their official webpage

Social media sites have created a very strong impression on the world today. This factor has shifted the maximum percentage of the power of the large estate brokers from the individuals that have no digital footprint to the brokers that have an excellent presence on such social media. Hence, many real estate broker agents are shifting towards the idea of 100% commission. 

100% Commission 


The most followed benefit while going for the 100% commission model by the brokers is the fact that they will get to keep every dollar that they make in the work. Apart from this factor, there are some benefits of choosing this commission model which is listed below. 

  • You will be your boss and this factor makes it possible for you to create your working hours. 
  • All the working limitations as set by you will be your own decisions. 
  • You will have control over many factors such as schedules, showings, appointments with the clientele, and so on. 
  • You can make an imprint with your brand name in the world of brokerages 
  • You can set the sales training schedules and do not have to abide by the rules set by any broker 
  • You can maintain complete transparency with your clientele. 


The main focus of shifting to a 100% brokerage option by many real estate agents today is because of the benefits that the idea offers them. However, those that are willing to proceed with their plan are required to understand some aspects such as, 

  • They might have to keep their online presence as much alive as possible by constantly posting advertisements on the concerned sites about the buying and house posting signs. 
  • They have to work on their own and get their commission. So, no work means no brokerage 
  • Such people will be working alone and will not get the privileges of the training offered by the brokers. 

Even though technology has imprinted its importance in almost all fields today, some people still prefer doing business face-to-face with brokers while purchasing or selling any property. Even though the online brokerage services will take 3% of the overall deal, they cannot be relied upon to handle all the legwork. This is not the case with the brokers that work for 100% commission factor as they handle all the work and will get the job done for every dollar that they collect from their clients. 
