
Reasons Why CBD Might Not Be Working for You

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CBD oil is becoming increasingly popular since the 2018 “Farm Bill” expanded access. While CBD is a national sensation, and you can buy CBD virtually everywhere, what happens when it doesn’t seem to work for you?

In this post, we’ll discuss the possible reasons why CBD might be living up to the hype. In addition, we provide an actionable plan to help you take steps to ensure you are doing everything possible to experience the natural benefits of CBD. 

Why Doesn’t CBD Work for Me?

Many people take CBD for the first time and expect life-changing results. But, unfortunately, that isn’t a realistic expectation, regardless of how some companies market the compound.

There are 3 reasons why CBD may not affect you:

  1. You aren’t taking enough CBD. The effects of CBD can be dose-dependent, so if you’re not taking enough, you may not be experiencing any results. 
  2. You could be using the products wrong. Many people aren’t familiar with sublingual administration (CBD oil) and swallowing too much CBD rather than allowing it to dissolve under the tongue. 
  3. You’ve built up a tolerance to CBD. This can happen even if you haven’t used cannabinoid hemp products in the past. 

Can You Build a Tolerance to CBD?

Like with any other substance, it’s possible to build up a tolerance to CBD. In most cases, this happens after you’ve taken a substantial amount of CBD, and your body no longer reacts the same. If you’re not experiencing the same effects as when you first started taking CBD, you may need to increase your dose.

CBD Tolerance Factors

While a history of CBD use causes most tolerance issues, you may also be experiencing multiple factors that could require larger doses, including:

  • Cannabis use in the past has built your tolerance up without you realizing it.
  • Your body weight, BMI, or metabolism could require a higher dose.
  • Quality of the CBD product or administration method.
  • Your diet; CBD absorbs better after a meal, especially one high in healthy fats.

How to Know if CBD is Working

The effects of CBD can be difficult to measure because CBD doesn’t provide blatant, noticeable results. Some people who use CBD may feel more relaxed, while others may experience improved sleep or decreased daily stress. These benefits are experienced over time, unlike other cannabis products where the effects are incredibly apparent.

If you are not sure if CBD is working for you, make sure you are on a regular dosing regimen and monitor the results. We suggest taking CBD at least once daily and keeping a written record of how you feel each day. If you aren’t experiencing any benefits, increase your dosage by 5-10 mg each week.

What to Do When CBD Oil Does Nothing?

If you’ve been taking CBD for a while and it doesn’t seem to be working, there are a few things you can do.

First, it’s essential to ensure you’re taking the product correctly. CBD oil is designed to be taken sublingually or dissolved under the tongue. The more CBD absorbed in your mouth, the more likely you’ll experience benefits.

Next, experiment with different administration methods. For example, if you are taking an edible, try CBD oil or a topical product.

Finally, you can increase your dosage over time. Again, we recommend starting small (around 5-10mg per day) and working your way up to a larger amount. Most people find their sweet spot between 25-75, but some conditions require larger doses.

How to Combat CBD Resistance?

CBD oil is a popular natural remedy but doesn’t work for everyone or every advertised condition. There are a few reasons why CBD might not work for you. Make sure to follow our suggestions if you aren’t getting results: 

  • Use the best CBD oil found here
  • Increase your dosage
  • Experiment with different administration methods

If you still aren’t experiencing benefits, speak to a healthcare professional.
